Monday, January 16, 2012

DOC Band and teething...

day 5 with the DOC Band.
funny thing - it definitely bothers me more than it bothers her!
certain times of the day are worse - not really crying - more of a whimper and I'm
thinking it's about the teething and not the 'hat' she's wearing.  I'm trying my hardest not to take it off and make sure she wears it for the full 23 hours... but man, it's hard!!!

the one red spot is still there - don't like it - so we've been putting cortisone cream on the spot when we take it off to see if it's heat related - the last thing I want to do is hurt her skin!  I'm definitely going to call our specialist today to see if I should come in to have them look at it or just wait till our scheduled appt on Thursday.  I have a feeling they may get sick of me calling :)

our routine is pretty much still the same.
4 hour schedule with a little nap in the evening.
as soon as she wakes up in the morning I take it off to feed her - let her head get some air and to do her stretches - then it's right back on.  I haven't decorated it yet - we did go buy some stickers and mod podge to do it but I haven't felt the creative itch just yet!

of course, every time I take it off I examine her head to see if I can see ANY changes... I think I do... for example, I'll look at her from the right side and it doesn't look as flat... but she's still got a few 'lumps' on the back so I'm only hoping that just the band beginning to work.  
I'm not gonna lie - I did so much research before we got it - all stories were positive - and yes, I know our outcome will be positive - but what I didn't read is how the parents are really coping with this change.  am I the only newbie who feels this way???  wondering if it fits right, if I'm doing the right thing, if I'm cleaning it right and making sure not to get any lotion on it or get it wet.  

the one message I wish I could get out to all the parents who are going or will go through this is TRUST YOUR INSTINCT!!!  as I mentioned, our ped won't refer until 6 months BUT the specialist at Cranial Technologies said the best time to start this is around 4 months... do they just not talk to each other???  I know, I need to get past this but for whatever reason I just can't.  maybe I should become a spokesperson and go around to all the ped's offices and say REFER at the first signs of plagiocephaly and/or torticollis!!!

so... here we are taking it day by day.
am I stressed - to say the least!!
we have a DOC band
we are teething
we will be moving at the end of February
we have to pack

funny really - I remember (back in 2006) everyone told me I must be crazy to...
get a new job
get engaged
get married
build a house
ALL in one year!!!
it feels like 2006 all over again...
6 mo old in DOC Band
selling a house
buying a house
who does all this at ONE time... oh yea, ME!!!
hey - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger (well then, I must be a super hero!! :) )

no pics this time (sorry) but promise I will post some of her soon!!
my little girl is growing up and I will say - (even though I know babies are resilient) - I hope that she handles everything thrown at her in life as well as she's handled this change!!!

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