Tuesday, March 20, 2012

9 months

feels like it was just yesterday we had these pics taken

can't believe our baby girl is 9 months old!
the past 9 months have been the greatest 9 months of our lives.
believe me when I say it hasn't been all roses... i'm not gonna lie, motherhood is
absolutely the hardest job out there... most rewarding... but hard!  over the past months
i've done what every new mom does - worry, laugh, pray, compare, cry, scream... 
but most of all... love.

we had our 9 month well checkup today.
weight - 20lbs 5.5oz - 76 percentile
height - 27.75" - 57 percentile
head - 17.6" - 71 percentile
we weren't scheduled for any shots today - but - we had to get our third
hep B immunization.  she's cried before while getting the shots but now that she's
older - the crying was much worse - brief - but worse!  those big crocodile tears running
down her face made my heart break!  maybe daddy can take her next time - please!!?!!

we are still on our 4 hour schedule:
7am - wake, 7oz bottle
9am - nap
11am - wake, fruits, cheerios and 5 oz bottle
1pm - nap
3pm - wake, 7oz bottle
4:30-5pm - nap
5:30-6pm - wake, meats, veggies and fruit juice
bath time - 6:30ish
7-7:15ish - 7oz bottle and bedtime
there are days when we don't get that last evening nap - she's starting to stay up longer and longer and am thinking about changing the schedule soon.
as for food - I plan on starting adding some 'real' food in at meal times.  so far it's only been baby food.  we have tried bananas and frozen peas... I'm not sure why i'm so hesitant to start real solids... maybe because she's still on her hypo-allergenic formula and I'm just scared she may have a reaction to something.. but... guess we gotta go for it and see!

she loves her jumper and play time.
she's not crawling yet... I asked the doc about that because yes, I was a little worried - but she said that's fine and she's got her own way of getting around right now (rolling).  she did let me know that crawling isn't a milestone for a baby - even though we all expect them to do it - but she'll either do it when she's ready and feels the need or... she'll just start getting up and walking.
in all honesty... even though i was a little worried about the lack of crawling at 9 months... i'm selfishly ok with it for now cause I know that once she starts crawling she'll be everywhere and into everything!!

she's a healthy, well-rounded, happy baby and that's all we could ask for!!
I can't believe it will be one year in just 3 months... wow... for all those people who told us to cherish every moment cause it goes by so fast - you weren't lying!

my dear brynleigh...
you love to laugh.
you love to talk/scream... dadadada (we're working on mama :) ).
you love to hug and cuddle and it melts mommies heart everytime you do!
you can clap now and love to do so after you get that cheerio in your mouth.
you can waive hi and bye.
you love, love, love to roll!!  you roll around on the floor to get to where you want to go
and giggle all the way through.
you have started cracking up at peek-a-boo.
you giggle when you see yourself in the mirror.
you love your bath time.
you have 2 full bottom teeth and we expect your top teeth any day now.
you love your fruits and veggies... but cheerios are by far your fav.
you love mickey mouse playhouse and dance when it comes on.
your starting to really enjoy reading time... you like to turn the pages.
you love to make mommy and daddy laugh and yes, you still light up when 
daddy enters the room.
you love your nana and grandpa
you love your pooh bear daddy bought you
you keep my heart full each and every day and I love you with all my heart.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

so much...

long overdue - we are now residents of spring, tx.
so far, it's everything we thought it would be.  I will say...
it's going to take me some time to get use to the weather... again!
growing up in louisiana... hot, humid, mosquitos... living in spring...
hot, humid, mosquitos.  i'm sure i'll adapt quickly!

whew - packing, moving, unpacking... getting this house into a home.
we still have quite a bit of work to do... but it's coming along.  funny thing - 
the one thing that's taking me a while to get use to is the tile!!  we put in new
carpet and are expecting to put in wood floors...eventually... so until then - tile
it is!  thanks mom for the house shoes for xmas... they are coming in VERY handy!!

baby girl is adapting.  she has a newfound love of the outdoors!  in the evenings,
we go sit on the patio... her in her jumper, me relaxing and daddy trimming the trees.
she loves watching the fish eat... daddy work... mommy relax... and all the squirrels 
and birds running around.  of course, living in the 'country' comes with new experiences.
like walking out on the patio in the morning to feed the fish and run into a snake!!  of course,
it was a baby snake... but, wouldn't that mean a 'mommy' snake is not too far behind?
I did what any wife would do - ran into the bedroom to get hubby out of bed (wasn't
too happy!) but go figure... by the time he got out there it was gone.  so of course,
every time I walk outside I tip toe and look around like a hawk to make sure there
are no slithery little creatures!  good times!

let me start with saying we LOVED our visit from aunt mandy!!  she was so helpful!
I, on the other hand, wasn't so much!  I was so exhausted and took a nap and missed
spending some time with her... but, I have promised that next time she comes I will
have a fun day played for us!

we are also excited about Easter and going to get our pic taking in
the blue bonnets with our cousin caleb!!  can't wait to share those pics!

now for the house... as mentioned, lots of work to still do... here are a few
'unfinished' pics... :)

update... the office is now the playroom with the ABC flooring.  here's the issue
with that... momma made the mistake of playing with her on the carpet and now
she loves rolling around on the carpet!!

and there ya have it.  nothing too exciting but we're doing well!  I can't believe I'm
saying this... 2 days... 9 months old!!!  post coming soon all about Miss B!!!!!