Thursday, February 16, 2012

moving, painting and... B12

what a week!
to start... went to the doc a few weeks ago for major joint pain in my arms... they took blood, ran some tests and come to find out... I have arthritis and am in dire need of B12.
learned something new - B12 range is 200-1200 and doctors don't like to see anything below 400.  well, mine was at 228 so B12 shots for the next 6 months.  oh, and did I mention, you get the option to give them to yourself?!?  first shot, no thank you!  today was my second shot and as I sat there with needle in hand and the nurse giving me words of encouragement... hesitation and then wham - I stuck myself in the arm!  since I don't have a doc in Houston yet we thought it was best for me to give them to myself - I'm sure I'll be a pro in no time!!!
arthritis is another story - gotta go see a rheumatologist before I leave town... wow, so much to do!!

moving and painting... we loaded up the largest uhaul truck we could get last thursday with the help of Dray's dad and my mom and dad... and we were off to Houston late thursday to sign on the new house Friday morning.  we are officially new home owners in spring, tx!  friday was spent unloading the uhaul and making multiple trips to home depot for paint.  saturday morning began our painting journey.  after painting 3 bedrooms that was enough for me!!  

master bedroom before and after paint...

nursery before and after paint...

yea - we decided to change everything and go w/ purple/lavender color!!

the other bedroom we painted a deep tan(ish) color and the last bedroom we left as is due to we already loved the paint and... it's a suede faux finish which we thought would be too hard to paint over!!!
I've already instructed the hubby that when it comes to painting the rest of the house... oh, we WILL hire painters!!!  :)
here are just a few pics I took right after closing...

kitchen, family room and study

outdoor patio w/ coy pond

and now... the infamous 'shop'...

and there ya have it!  can't wait to get everything in order and make this a home!!!  we got a long ways to go!!

now my little girl...
this past weekend was the FIRST time I've been away from her for more than a few hours.  not gonna lie - it was hard - but I knew she was in great hands!!  thank you nana and g'pa for taking care of miss B over the weekend!!  I know she had a great time!!

I tried to download a few of the pics nana sent me while we were away... but for whatever reason it wouldn't let me save and share :(  so here's a pic of grandpa taking a pic of bryn the night before we started packing up...

she is getting so big!!  her bottom teeth are almost fully in and I think she's starting to get her top teeth!  nope, not crawling yet... she's got the skills but just no desire right now.  she's starting to wave - we'll wave hi and bye and she moves her little hand... it's so cute!  we are about 5 weeks into the band and the changes are wonderful!!  she's just a growing every day... we're thinking about getting her a 'walker' so she can 'run' all over the house but haven't really found one we like!  I have a feeling she'll start doing everything all at once... guess we better invest in some baby proofing soon!!!

here's to moving, painting and YEA for B12!!!!
I'll be sure to post updated pics once we get everything settled... I just hope it's before her first birthday!!!!!  I'll leave you with one of my fav pics...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the packing...

how's the packing going???  it's going!
like I said - the more we do the more we look around and wonder if this packing thing will ever get done!!  ya never know how much crap stuff you have till it's packing time!!

so here's our progress so far...

our formal has become the 'hot' spot for boxes...

guess it took moving to utilize the game room :)

our use-to-be dining room is now the 'packing' area

as you know - we're TV-on-the-wall type peeps... well, the buyers... not so much!  so yes, we had to fill in, patch and paint over where all the flat screens were on the wall!  Thanks to our realtor who referred us to Marcos who is wonderful and did it all in under an hour!!!

and the infamous 'green' room... seeing as how this was custom paint and of course,  no longer have... what to do??!!  BUT - doesn't it look great with no holes :)
good thing - the buyer came by this morning to look at the house and was VERY pleased with all the wall 'fixes' and was A-OK with the two-toned room :)

there it is in a nutshell!!  I know right... doesn't look like we've done much... well... WE HAVE!!!
see... the butlers pantry is completely empty...

so... with dray out of town till late Friday - we have decided to take a breather!!!
now I find myself going through all of Bryn's clothes/toys and packing all the stuff we use/don't use... who knew a little one would outgrow so many things so quickly!!!!

now for the fun part... my baby girl!
three weeks in the band and all is going great.  oh what a difference it truly makes!  it's amazing to see the difference each and every day!  I can't express how grateful/pleased/relived that we have such a wonderful specialist w/ cranial tech... shout out to cindy for all her comforting!!
I know we still have a ways to go but after all the stress/heartache/worries/etc. I can now finally say I am super happy we decided to do this!!!

here we are playing before our stretches... and after stretches as momma tries to keep the smile going :)

just a growin' every day!!!  she makes me laugh each and every day... from her sounds, to her facial expressions, to her laughter to just being herself!  she has brought so much joy to us and I thank God every day for our little girl!  this is such a fun age... 7 1/2  months... we feel she'll get up and crawl any day now (she's been practicing :) ) and it's so fun to watch her roll from tummy to back and vice versa.  I won't go into all the questions I ask myself / google / do research on... that's a whole other post!!  I also won't go into the 'comparing phase' which is where I am right now.  she's perfect just as she is and I'm proud of her no matter what!!!
with that... I'll leave you with the best pic ever... and thanks to nana for 'spiffin' it up...

c'mon... who doesn't love a naked baby!!!!!