yes - it's been way too long since my last blog.
where to start?!?
I went back to work on sept 12 - boy was that hard! it's truly amazing how one can
have anxiety from being away from their little one. from the moment I would get in the car to leave till the moment I pulled in the garage - anxiety, anxiety, anxiety.
not because of someone else taking care of her - I knew she was in good hands - but because I knew I was suppose to be home with her... so...
I have now joined the SAHM club!!!!
of course - just because I'm no longer 'working' doesn't mean it's not a job :) and I finally have a job I absolutely L.O.V.E.
it's not like I was little miss betty crocker before and I certainly wouldn't put me in the category of june from leave it to beaver - it's a whole new world for me and one that I am excited about learning, being there for her, for my husband... for our family!
it's my first week of my new job - didn't start out like I had planned for I got extremely sick and petrified I would get Bryn sick... (knocking on wood) she seems to be fine and whew cause hubby is quite the traveler with work so it's just me!
just me... sounds kinda depressing doesn't it. one thing we truly wish is for us to have family around for as we all know it's nice to be able to lean on them from time to time. maybe one day but for now we're stuck in prosper, tx... who knows, maybe one day we'll move closer to family or have family move closer to us - one can only hope!
Brynleigh... where to start. she is getting so big! last friday, as I was lying in bed sick as a dog, mom and hubby came in to show me little miss B on her tummy... that's right... she rolled over during her nap! she really does love sleeping on her tummy - although she does get frustrated when she can't figure out what to do with her one arm when she tries to roll - so she mainly just decides to sleep on her side - I've been brave and will sometimes put her down for her nap on her tummy - she fusses some but then falls right to sleep. she's quite the mover - I can wake up several times during the night to look at her and she'll be in the upper right corner, then she'll be on the side of the crib, then she'll be on her side in the bottom corner... it makes me smile!
wow - just about 4 months old. she is quite the talker - she'll just sit and talk for hours - cooing, making vowel sounds... and when you talk back to her she gets louder and louder - Nana did a great job with that - the conversations they've had - I wish I could record! Oh - believe me I've tried - I've used my phone, the camera - she'll be talking away and as soon as she sees the camera she stops... it's like she knows... or maybe she's just like her momma and doesn't like her voice on recording :)
personality - wow. dray and I can't figure out which one of us she is more like but man - from what we can tell she's going to be little miss outgoing!
pictures - haven't been the best. we are in the process of trying to find someone to take a family picture... and of course... pictures for x-mas. it seems all the pictures we have right now - except for the pics we got when she was born - have all been silly pics taken with our phones - not to mention I don't think we have any of the three of us! yes, I will get on it asap!
guess that's about it for now - I'm sure there's so much more but don't want to put it all out there at once :) afterall - this gives me something to do in my 'down time.' next up... house projects and pictures... let the good times start!
one more pic to say g'bye for now...
hers is getting SO big...she's really fill'n out. love the dark hair and skin :: definitely got that from her momma. i'm SO glad that being a SAHM was in your cards as well. it's the most rewarding {and underpaid} job out there. the.end.period. don't get me wrong, you'll have your bad days at work just like in the corp world, but the good thing is the next day you get to start all over with those melt.your.heart. smiles! proud of you, friend! i NEVER had any doubt, not one, that you would be the worlds best mommy to little B!!! she's one lucky lucky girl!!!