Tuesday, September 17, 2013

thoughts of a sah*P*m

time : there's a word for ya.
where does it go - who has enough - how do you get more
just when i think i've managed to get everything done - something
manages to come up.  it's sad really : we get up at 7 pretty much every 
morning.  one would think this is plenty of time to eat breakfast, get yourself
dressed, get lo dressed, make lunch, get school stuff ready and leave the
house at 8:50.  i'm here to say... it's cutting it pretty close!!!

being a sahPm...
for generations there's been a debate on 
sahm vs working mom
everyone is a critic : right??!!??
is there really a right or wrong?
my take : it's what works for you and your family.
neither is easy - it's perception that is someones reality - whether wrong or right.
my biggest hang up is this :
i've heard time and time again that being a sahm is so easy - of course, this comment
seems to only come from non-sahm's!
each have their own perks and each, i feel, are commendable.
now... being a sahPm... there's a challenge!
i'm only speaking from my current experience :: being pregnant and
a sahm to an almost 2 1/2 year old is trying!!!
it's one thing to deal with the tantrums, the screaming, the crying, the 'you're not gonna tell me no phase' when you're 'normal'... it's another to deal with it AND deal with hormones, not being able to bend over, not being able to 'run' after lo as fast as you use to... and honestly, what's been the hardest is not being able to pick her up every time she wants... just because.

as you can tell i'm in mental countdown mode... 
32 wks 5 days... c'mon november!!
of course, i won't be upset if he comes sooner... as long as he's healthy!!!

what a whirlwind the past few months have been!
i think we have everything we need for his arrival :: at least to get us through for a little while.
it's amazing how easily one forgets what you may/may not need with a newborn :: i really had to sit and think about what i used with brynleigh!
to top off all the excitement of the arrival :: mom and dad are moving here!
yes, they are leaving muskogee!
we finally found/purchased a home and are just waiting for the sale of their home.
they have been working themselves to the bone - poor guys - but they are doing a fabulous job at 'down-sizing'... for those of you who know them knows how much 'stuff' they have... yes, that's been a challenge for mom but she's been a trooper and has really come a long way!!!
we are very excited to have them so close :: closer to mandy :: and here with their grandbabies!!!!  gotta love having those 'built in' babysitters!!!

with finalizing their house stuff, bryn starting school for the first time, awaiting the arrival of
our little man, getting the house ready for him, knowing halloween is right around the corner (nope, no costume yet) which means thanksgiving and christmas will follow and preparing and deciding on our pool build (yep, finally getting my pool!!!) :: i'm one tired momma :: but i wouldn't change it for the world!!

what keeps me going??.....

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

all about the pics

i truly hope i take as many pics of our second child as
i have with our first!  it's kinda getting unmanageable!!

here are just a few of my fav pics so far this year :

my little fashionista...

this little girl loves to 'dress up'
but only when she wants to!  i'm 
not sure where she's getting this from cause i certainly don't remember doing this as a child!

easter 2013
we managed to go see the bluebonnets and to have
us a little egg hunt

i left to run an errand one weekend :
left daddy in charge : come home to this...

what can one do with toilet paper?

   dress your little girl up like the 

karate kid and watch her do kicks!

gotta love daddy - daughter time!

and of course : my little angel on her 2nd birthday!

and there ya have it...
some of my favs so far this year!!

don't kid yourself : i have tons more but momma's 
been lazy getting them organized on the computer!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

growth and change

where does the time go?
apparently 8 months can go by pretty fast!
so much has changed : so much has happened : so much to share

2012 was a year of change and growth.
change : moving, leaving the known, making a new home, learning
a new environment, wondering how and making it all work.
growth : personal change, swallowing toddlerhood, questioning motherhood,
trying to fit in, learning to make hard decisions, wondering if those decisions
were the best.

2013 : a lot more change and growth!
change : becoming pregnant.
growth : getting myself out there, raising an independent toddler, finding 
 who I really am, questioning all decisions (thanks to the hormones) and yes,
still questioning motherhood but with a lot more questions, doubts, worries
anxiety... adding one seems to bring this out in me.

this year, already, has tested a lot.
from the moment i saw those 2 pink lines - i changed.
for the good?  bad?  still debatable.
i can't explain how i felt : ecstatic, worried, excited, scared, happy, 
unsure : just too many emotions all at once.
with all the emotions there is one thing i can explain : 
my heart was happy and i felt complete knowing
we were adding to our family and brynleigh would have a sibling.
i was even more excited to find out we were having a BOY!

i am happy to say we are happy and healthy at 24 weeks.
all tests have been confirmed and now we're just waiting for
his arrival on or before (hopefully) november 12th (drays birthday) which 
would be pretty cool since it would be 11.12.13!

speaking of change and growth : my sweet brynleigh.
so, so, so much has changed : she's definitely come into her own.
she's a dancer (her all time fav to dance to is jason aldean's 1994), she's
a singer (lover her ABC's), she's an artist (getting a bit out of hand on the 
furniture!), she's a gymnist (or at least tries), she's outgoing at home but can be
oh so shy in public (always looking at mommy and/or daddy for approval first), 
her vocab has grown into sentences, she's a mommy to her dolls (her babies as she calls
them), she knows what she wants and yes still wants it now, she doesn't like night night and
beginning not to like naps (but still takes them), when she doesn't get what she wants she likes
to hit (apparently only mommy), she's learning what 'time out' means (even though mommy still
hasn't learned it), she loves loves loves to give kisses and hugs, she kisses your booboo's and wants you to kiss hers, she loves water and, i think, has finally talked daddy into a pool, 
she loves cars (thanks to daddy), she doesn't like it when you're upset (she asks, 'you k mommy' and when she falls or hits something she says 'I k,' loves asking where
everyone is (where daddy? where nana? where aunt mimi? where frank? where ma? where papa? where aunt weewee?...), has her own style...
i could go on and on : i have a very happy, independent, growing toddler and i love it.

pics coming soon, promise.
hopefully it won't take me so long to post again!!!
until then...