we made it : the big ONE!
it's amazing how your life can change in a year.
we had a great birthday with lots of family and friends.
the past year seems like a big 'ol blur : so many changes, so many ups-n-downs,
so many new and exciting experiences... i wouldn't change it for the world!
went to our first year well check yesterday : had my list of questions so i wouldn't forget anything. we are one healthy baby!
hers waiting on the doc...
weight: 23lbs
height: 29.4"
so now's the time :: or so they say :: to throw out the bottle. really?!?
is she really ready for that :: is mommy ready for that?
we still do 4 bottles a day totaling 24oz along with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
no longer likes the jar baby food - she wants the real thing!
whole milk :: the ped said we could stop formula cold turkey and go straight to whole milk. 16-24oz per day. she's been on what we call 'gold'... the nutrimigen formula due to her milk allergy as an infant. i think i'm confident that she no longer has this allergy for she eats yogurt and has had a few bites of ice cream with no breakouts. i'll go ahead and say it... love bottle time... that's when i get all my cuddles and sugars... can i give that up?
we still take 2 naps a day... not quite ready to transition to the one nap but i have a feeling it won't be long! we've had to lower the crib all the way down due to her lifting up and of course, momma paranoid that she'd figure out how to fall out!
she's crawling :: pulling herself up to her knees :: now to her feet :: and if you hold her under her arms and walk she'll walk with you... but nope, she currently has no desire to walk alone. the ped said she would when she's ready which she thinks will be any day now.
we still go to the little gym weekly. we have a big class this summer! she and another little girl are the only two not walking on their own yet :: but know watching the others walk and play will do her some good! Nana and Granddad got to come with us last tuesday so we have pics to share...
so here we are :: one year old!!
it's been an amazing year but hard year!
we look forward to what's to come!!!!